Cântăre Hope changes everything

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 147
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7680-hope-changes-everything]Hope changes everything[/url]

Hope Changes Everything

Our lives were spinning in

A hopeless situation

Livin' in a fallen world

Without hope for change

But heaven heard our cries

And that's why Jesus came

Now it's up to us to give His love away

Let's take the hope of Christ

Lift it up and hold it high

Because hope changes everything

Let's take this faith we wear

To hurting people everywhere

Because hope changes everything

No matter how dark or troubled

Someone's life may seem

I do believe with all my heart

That hope changes everything

Every time I see someone who's feelin' helpless

Every time I hear another desperate plea

I'm reminded of the place where He found me

There's no one that's gone to far for Him to reach

Let's take the hope of Christ

Lift it up and hold it high

Because hope changes everything

Let's take this faith we wear

To hurting people everywhere

Because hope changes everything

No matter how dark or troubled

Someone's life may seem

I do believe with all my heart

That hope changes everything

God has placed inside of us an everlasting hope

And it's up to each of us to go

Let's take the hope of Christ

Lift it up and hold it high

Because hope changes everything

Let's take this faith we wear

To hurting people everywhere

Because hope changes everything

No matter how dark or troubled

Someone's life may seem

I do believe with all my heart

That hope changes everything

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Cine își înfrânează vorbele, cunoaște știința, și cine are duhul potolit este un om priceput. ( Proverbele 17:27 )