Cântăre Anything but you

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 116
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7685-anything-but-you]Anything but you[/url]

Anything But You

I've got a good car that gets me where I'm goin'

I've got a good house that I can go home to

But all these good things this world has to offer

I'm just using as I'm passion through

There's so much about this world that can distract me

So Lord I pray that I will keep my eyes on You

Anything but You is only temporary

Anything but You will quickly fade away

I'm not trustin' in, depending on, believin' in, relying on, anyone or anything but You

Life has a strange way of gettin' complicated

All that's certain is that nothin' stays the same

But I'm not worried cause You promised You'd be with me

And I know that's one thing this world cannot change

There's so much that's tryin' to distract me

Lord I pray each day I keep my eyes on You

Anything but You is only temporary

Anything but You will quickly fade away

I'm not trustin' in, depending on, believin' in, relying on, anyone or anything but You

I live each day completely amazed by all that I've see You do

What a fool I would be if I let anything come between me and You

Anything but You is only temporary

Anything but You will quickly fade away

I'm not trustin' in, depending on, believin' in, relying on, anyone or anything but You

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De aceea, lepădați orice necurăție și orice revărsare de răutate, și primiți cu blândețe Cuvântul sădit în voi, care vă poate mântui sufletele. ( Iacov 1:21 )