Cântăre Tuning in

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 112
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7687-tuning-in]Tuning in[/url]

Tuning In

(music: Furler, Joel lyrics: Furler, Joel, Taylor)

you may be in london,

waiting on a train

you may be in paris

dancing on a stage

or shooting the curl in bali or

down south drinking sweet tea

you may be glued to the television

as happy

as larry

you may be a doctor,

giving up the ghost

you may be a short order cook

fixing grits and toast



whoever you are

let it be

plain to see

it's time to reach for

something higher

everybody hears the need

tuning in around the world

all you boys and all you girls

tune in till ya drown the noise

all you girls and all you boys

tune it in and hum along

let it lift the woebegone

tune it in around the world

all you boys and all you girls

it may be your birthday

or it may be your last

as a kid you couldn't wait to get old

now the years fly by to fast



whoever you are

let it be plain

to see

no time

no place

nobody but you

will keep you from your


let the truth fill up our lives

let the choir fire up and over

the renewal of our minds is

never over till it's over

and where our treasure is

that's where our hearts will be

so take my will

and set me

tuning into you

tuning outta me.
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