Cântăre Wired for sound

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 130
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7697-wired-for-sound]Wired for sound[/url]


Word of mouth is the counselor

There is no need for proof

In a world that's wired for sound

The tongue becomes the mighty sword

That battles the truth

In a world that's wired for sound

Comin' on like a tidal wave

That washes thru the brain--a state of mind

No dispute when the noise is made

And so it lets the blind lead the blind

Lured by charisma to be swayed to believe


Easier believing what is hard to get rid of than to try

Never searching--just accepting

Feeds the mind enough to get you by

Scratching the surface yet to dig deeper down


Word of mouth is the counselor

There is no need for proof

In a world that's wired for sound

The tongue becomes the mighty sword

That battles the truth

In a world that's wired for sound

Wisdom from the sacred page

Is turned and ignored

In a world that's wired for sound


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