Cântăre Christmas is all in the heart

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 126
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7714-christmas-is-all-in-the-heart]Christmas is all in the heart[/url]

Christmas Is All In The Heart

In a one bedroom apartment on the humble side of town

There stands a little Christmas tree, looks a lot like Charlie Brown’s,

And underneath there’s one little gift for him and one little gift for her.

After six months on the new job, they’re still barely getting by,

So in the way of decorations, there’s nothing there to catch your eye;

But both of them would be the first to say:

We’re together, we’re gonna have the merriest Christmas anyway.


‘Cause Christmas is all in the heart, that’s where the feeling starts,

And like a fire inside, it touches every part,

‘Cause Christmas is all in the heart,

And even if no white snow falls, that’s all right (okay) because

The joy can still be found, wherever you are,

‘Cause Christmas is all in the heart.

Two little blonde haired boys with big dreams, tried to sleep but sleep wouldn’t come;

We’d be tearing into presents, long before the break of dawn,

With Mom and Dad and cameras making sure we’d never forget that day.

Now I’m the one who’s taking pictures, in the middle of the night,

Of my own blonde headed dreamers that just can’t wait until daylight,

And in my sleeps eyes the spark still glows;

Well I guess there’s just some things a kid never outgrows.


No, it’s not in the snow that may or may not fall,

And it’s not in the gifts around the tree;

It’s in the love heaven gave, the night our Savior came,

And that same love can still be found wherever you are,

‘Cause Christmas is all in the heart -

It’s all in the heart.

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