Cântăre You need a Saviour

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 139
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7730-you-need-a-saviour]You need a Saviour[/url]

Made a friend last night, or you thought you did

Had a drink, had a talk, took a drive

Shared the night, gave up a part of your soul

Now she's gone and you're a little less alive.

Shake it off, never let your feelings begin

But your defenses are down and the fear is closing in.


Yes, you really need a saviour

Somehow you've known it all along

Yes, you really need a saviour

You know you've heard it for so long

Yes, You really need a saviour

Someone to come and lead you on

You need a saviour

You need a saviour

It's time

Told yourself today just for your own sake

What was lost wouldn't cost anyway

Life's a one night stand, this time you'll win

The up and down, life-long game that you play.

Shake it off, never let your feelings begin

But your defenses are down and the fear is closing in.

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meniu prim
Da, inima noastră își găsește bucuria în El, căci avem încredere în Numele Lui cel Sfânt. ( Psalmii 33:21 )