Cântăre Great expectations

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 152
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7809-great-expectations]Great expectations[/url]

Great Expectations

The morning finds me here at heaven's door

A place I've been so many times before

Familiar thoughts and phrases start to flow

And carry me to places that I know so well

But dare I go where I don't understand

And do I dare remember where I am

I stand before the great eternal throne

The one that God Himself is seated on

And I, I've been invited as a son

Oh I, I've been invited to come and ...


Believe the unbelievable

Receive the inconceivable

And see beyond my wildest imagination

Lord, I come with great expectations

So wake the hope that slumbers in my soul

Stir the fire inside and make it glow

I'm trusting in a love that has no end

The Savior of this world has called me friend

And I, I've been invited with the Son

Oh I, I've been invited to come and ...

We've been invited with the Son

And we've been invited to come and ...


Believe the unbelievable

Receive the inconceivable

And see beyond our wildest imagination

Lord, we come with great expectations

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meniu prim
El este ca un pom sădit lângă un izvor de apă, care îşi dă rodul la vremea lui şi ale cărui frunze nu se veştejesc: tot ce începe, duce la bun sfârşit.