Cântăre More than words

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 148
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7829-more-than-words]More than words[/url]

More Than Words

Lord, I don’t know what to say;

As I get down on my knees to pray,

The same old phrases come to mind,

But You’ve heard them all a thousand times.

It’s not that it’s untrue when I say "Lord, I love You",

It’s just that I want it to be more.


More than words, I want my prayer to be

More than words, thoughts my heart alone can speak;

As you listen to me tell of all Your power and mercy,

Lord, You know it’s my desire that what You hear is more than words.

As I open up this Book,

And read of all the love it took

For a holy God to care for man;

Spirit, help me understand.

It’s not that it’s unclear, it’s a letter to children,

But Lord I know it’s meant to be much more.


More than words, not just letters on a page;

More than words, for every line and every phrase

Was a breath of inspiration from a caring Father

Who gave the gift of His Son to prove He loved us more than words.

As I consider quietly the wonder of all Your ability,

It’s more than I can comprehend, and I find myself in need again;

But if I had every word and a thousand years to use them,

What You are to me would still be more, oh, so much more, more than words.

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Lăudați pe Domnul! Căci este frumos să lăudăm pe Dumnezeul nostru, căci este plăcut, și se cuvine să-L lăudăm. ( Psalmii 147:1 )