Cântăre Strong tower

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 130
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7850-strong-tower]Strong tower[/url]

When I wander through the desert

And I'm longing for my home

All my dreams have gone astray

When I'm stranded in the valley

And I'm tired and all alone

It seems like I've lost my way

I go running to Your moutain

Where your mercy sets me free

R: You are my strong tower

Shelter over me

Beautiful and mighty

Everlasting King

You are my strong tower

Fortress when I'm weak

Your name is true and holy

And Your face is all I seek

In the middle of my darkness

In the nidst of all my fear

You're my refuge and my hope

When the storm of life is raging

And the thunder's all I hear

You speak softly to my soul
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