Cântăre Anna

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 141
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7870-anna]Anna[/url]

Jack is in the corner

The dish is with the spoon

The sheep is in the meadow

The cow is on the moon

But I am here with you and I believe

There’s no other place I’d rather be

And a promise not to leave you

Is a promise I can keep

You’re my muse

You’re my rhyme

You’re the fire warming this heart of mine

When you hear me say “I love you”

Anna, do you know how much I do?

So I watch you from a distance

Getting lost within your world

You pretend to be a princess

As you flutter and you twirl

Fragile as the flower in your hair

Dancing in your castle, unaware

That a single day without you

Would be more than I could bear

Little Anna little star

That is what you really are

Cross my heart and hope to die

You’re the apple of my eye
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