Cântăre Reach out to me

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 137
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7873-reach-out-to-me]Reach out to me[/url]

The battle is more intense than it

has ever been. lord, I need you and want

You so desperately. please hang on to me.

Another million miles from the truth now

I know there’s peace but I can’t figure out how

To stop this race that’s taking over me, i’m

Under the gun I wait for you to see

Oh, please reach out to me

Open my eyes to see

I’m running from you now

Come rescue me somehow

Another scar from fighting the truth now

Has left me like a stranger to my need now

A masquerade, a game to figure out now

A cruel charade I cannot scream aloud

A narrow stretch of road in the way now

A heavy load still hanging on to me now

I’m in a maze that I can’t seem to get out

Without a view from these shoulders of doubt
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Ferește-te de basmele lumeși și băbești. Caută să fii evlavios. ( 1 Timotei 4:7 )