Cântăre She walks with me

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 144
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7874-she-walks-with-me]She walks with me[/url]

Whitney, I hope you know how much

I love you. this song’s for you. dad.

From the first breath of her life

She flew straight into my arms

I used to catch her from the swings

When she was five...

And now she dances on the wind

In a world as hard as stone

She’s so anxious to begin

And ready to fly...

And she walks with me

And she talks with me

And I hold her hand in mine

I know she’ll find her way

Like the light of day

Cause it’s love that makes her strong

Though I cannot stop the rain

And I cannot turn the tide

And I am sure there will be things

That break her heart

I can only let her know

I am always on her side

And even as I let her go

I’ll never be far

And she walks with me

And she talks with me

In her eyes I see her truth

Born of her fire and grace

As she finds her place

Cause it’s love that makes her strong

And she walks with me

And she talks with me

In my eyes she’ll see my prayer

As she turns each page

Through this tender age

It is love that makes her strong

It’s her love that makes her strong
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