Cântăre Hey you its me

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 138
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7879-hey-you-its-me]Hey you its me[/url]

Deb, you really are the love of

My life.

Hey you

Things to do

Live the life for faith and family

It’s tough

With all that stuff

Filling your head

We know

The undertow

Could get us so we don’t remember, but

Lest we ever

Lest we ever forget

Hey you, it’s me

True lovers are we

Children under the sun

Two spirits in the name of one

Hey me

Got to be

Places to go and people there to see

No space

For back to base

And no time at all

We talk

Walk the walk

Run the race

And climb the ladder, but

If we ever

If we ever should fall

Sometimes the smoke clears

And I see things how they are

I see how we have come so far
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