Cântăre Hello, goodbye

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 149
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7880-hello-goodbye]Hello, goodbye[/url]

Where’s the navigator of your destiny

Where is the dealer of this hand

Who can explain

Life and its brevity

‘Cause there is nothing here

That I can understand

You and I

Have barely met

And I just don’t want to let go of you yet…

Noah, sweet child of mine

I’ll see you on the other side

And so I hold your tiny hand in mine

For the hardest thing I’ve ever had to face

Heaven calls for you

Before it calls for me

When you get there save me a place

A place where I can share your smile

And I can hold you for more than just awhile
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meniu prim
Domnul este milostiv și plin de îndurare, îndelung răbdător și plin de bunătate. ( Psalmii 145:8 )