Cântăre Love one another

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 138
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7899-love-one-another]Love one another[/url]

I had a dream that I was speaking

With a prophet from the land of wise

In a crowd of people from the land of troubled hearts

I said, "We've come here for answers -

A solution to our world's demise"

He said the journey would be long

But here's where you start


Love one another, love one another

Work it in to work it out

There could never be enough

Love one another, love one another

Cause you know without a doubt

You can change your world with love

It was a simple conclusion

But I thought that it was rather profound

Just a fundamental law that we should all live by

I took it in to tomorrow

Yeah, I walked the earth but I never found

Any corner of the world

Where this did not apply



And looking out I saw no method to the madness there

Like in a vision from the Isle of Patmos, I was scared

It was a revelation

Love is getting rare

The people of the land united

And in my dream we all agreed

That we should start again

And this would be our creed

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