Cântăre Celebrate you

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 143
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7904-celebrate-you]Celebrate you[/url]

I'm no stranger to your gentle reminders

That the world does not revolve aroudn me

But no sooner have you spoken the words

Then your love comes once again to surround me

And every time I look in your eyes

I see the reflections of myself

But this time I want to look deeper

And see you and nobody else

So, tell me what you think, and tell me what you feel

I want to hear the thunder I'm so quick to steal

Listen to the dreams you're dreaming and celebrate you

Let me show you what a treasure you are

A preiceless gift from heaven to this thankful heart

I want to take this lifetime to celebrate you

I want to celebrate you

I have heard you say so many times

How you're sorry you're not everthing you should be

So let me tell you this one more time

There's no way you could be any more precious to me

But I know that lovely flowers and phrases

Are not what you need the most from me

You're longing for someone to listen

And that's what I want to learn how to be

I want to share you laughter

And I want to share your tears

We're gonna share this life together

And I'm gonna celebrate you

Celebrate you
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