Cântăre Lord of the dance

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 143
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7912-lord-of-the-dance]Lord of the dance[/url]

On the bank of the Tennessee River

In a small Kentuky town

I drew my first breath one cold November morning

And before my feet even touched the ground

With the doctors and the nurses gathered 'round

I started to dance

I started to dance

A little boy full of wide-eyed wonder

Footloose and fancy free

But it would happen, as it does for every dancer

That I'd stumble on a truth I couldn't see

And find a longing deep inside of me, it said..


I am the heart, I need the heartbeat

I am the eyes, I need the sight

I realize that I am just a body

I need the life

I move my feet, I go through the motions

But who'll give purpose to chance

I am the dancer

I need the Lord of the dance

The world beneath us spins in circles

And this life makes us twist and turn and away

But we were made for more than rhythm with no reason

By the one who moves with passion and with grace

As He dances over all that He has made


Lord of the dance

Lord of the dance

And while the music of His love and mercy plays

I will fall down on my knees and I will pray


I am the dancer

You are the Lord of the dance
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