Cântăre Lord, let your light

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 141
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7918-lord-let-your-light]Lord, let your light[/url]

Lord, let Your light

Lord, let Your light, light of Your face, shine on us.

Lord, let Your light, light of Your face, shine on us.

That we may be saved, that we may have life;

To find our way in the darkest night.

Let Your light shine on us.

Lord, let Your grace, grace from your hand, fall on us.

Lord, let Your grace, grace from your hand, fall on us.

That we may be saved, that we may have life;

To find our way in the darkest night.

Let Your grace fall on us.

Lord, let Your love, love with no end, come over us.

Lord, let Your love, love with no end, come over us.

That we may be saved, that we may have life;

To find our way in the darkest night.

Let Your love come over us.

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Eu sunt sărac și lipsit: grăbește să-mi ajuți, Dumnezeule! Tu ești ajutorul şi Izbăvitorul meu: Doamne, nu zăbovi! ( Psalmii 70:5 )