Cântăre Please only you

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 151
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7931-please-only-you]Please only you[/url]

So here I go again, again

I let myself get spread so thin

But I can see right through my skin

And I don't like what I'm finding in my heart

So many different voices call

And I try hard to please them all

I run in circles 'til I fall

So I'm falling on my knees and praying

Please, Please, Please only You, only You

Please, Please, Please take my heart, and make it true

Let everything I say and everything I do

Please, please only you

Please only you

For every moment of my time

For every thought that fills my mind

For every melody and rhyme

This is the prayer that I'll be praying

Please, Please, Please only You, only You

Please, Please, Please take my heart, and make it true

Let everything I say and everything I do

This is what it means to be

The reason why I live and breathe

To know that I am totally existing for Your pleasure

I'm still learning but I know

As this becomes my only goal

The more I find my heart and soul is filled up with joy when I

I please only you

I please only you

Please only you

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meniu prim
Fiți treji, și vegheați! Pentru că potrivnicul vostru, diavolul, dă târcoale ca un leu care răgnește, și caută pe cine să înghită. ( 1 Petru 5:8 )