Cântăre Only getting started

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 147
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7934-only-getting-started]Only getting started[/url]

I was just a little kid when

I heard about You for the first time

And all I really, really knew for sure

Was You were God, I wanted to know You

And now the years have come and gone

I'm still singing that same song

You might think by now I would have reached the end

But the truth is...

I am only just beginning

I am only getting

Started to know You now

I'm only getting started

And when I start thinking I'm getting

Close to the end, You just smile at me and say

Hey, kid, you ain't seen nothing yet

I'm only getting started

I'm only getting started now

Now Your love it is an ocean

Deeper than my deepest notion

Your grace, it is the sky above

It just keeps on going forever

And with every new sunrise

You come and open up my eyes

Show me just a little more of You

And again I see that...

Nu a fost notată încă!
Nu ai acces, deoarece nu ești autentificat!
Informații avantaje cont membru autentificat
Nu a primit aprecieri încă!
Apreciază - dezapreciază
Nu a fost comentată încă!
Nu ai acces, deoarece nu ești autentificat!
Informații avantaje cont membru autentificat
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Căci Cuvântul Domnului este adevărat, și toate lucrările Lui se împlinesc cu credincioșie. ( Psalmii 33:4 )