Cântăre Live the life

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 143
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7940-live-the-life]Live the life[/url]

We're passengers aboard the train

Silent little lambs amidst the pain

That's no longer good enough

And when it's time to speak our faith

We use a language no one can explain

That's no longer good enough

And God knows it's a shame

'Cause if we look to pass the blame

We are not the worthy bearers of His name


For the world to know the truth

There can be no greater proof

Than to live the life, live the life

There's no love as quite as pure

There's no pain we can't endure

If we live the life, live the life

Be a light for all to see

For every act of love will set you free

There's something beautiful and bold

The power of a million human souls

Come together as one

And each, in turn, goes out to lead

Another by His word, His love, His deed

Now the circle is done

It all comes back to one

For it is He and He alone

Who has lived the only perfect life we've known
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