Cântăre Missing person

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 141
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7942-missing-person]Missing person[/url]

1st Verse:

Another question in me

One for the powers that be

It's got me thrown

And so I put on my poker face

And try to figure it out

This undeniable doubt

A common occurence

Feeling so out of place

Guarded and cynical now

Can't help but wondering how

My heart evolved into

A rock beating inside of me

So I feel such a stoic ordeal

Where's that feeling that I don't feel


There was a boy who had the faith to move a mountain

And like a child he would believe without a reason

Without a trace he disappeared into the void and

I've been searchin' for that missing person

2nd verse:

Under a lavender moon

So many thoughts consume me

Who dimmed that glowing light

That once burned so bright in me

Is this a radical phase

A problematical age

That keeps me running

From all that I used to be

Is there a way to return

Is there a way to unlearn

That carnal knowledge

That's chipping away at my soul

I've been gone too long

Will I ever find my way home


There was a boy who had the faith to move a mountain

And like a child he would believe without a reason

Without a trace he disappeared into the void and

I've been searchin' for that missing person

He used to want to try to walk the straight and narrow

He had a fire and he could feel it in the marrow

It's been a long time and I haven't seen him lately

but I've been searchin' for that missing person
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