Cântăre Signs

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 150
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7943-signs]Signs[/url]

You're wieghed down with regret

You can't see the road ahead

Or the burden on your back

It seems the trek will never end

The winding paths that still descend

And up above a sky washed black

You just can't bear to look at that


Follow the signs

Open your eyes

Read between the lines of what you see

Look into the soul of reality

Open your mind

Look at the signs

Never look back at yesterday

Keep your gaze steady on the narrow way

Now you've found the sacred tree

You kneel upon the broken wheat

You watch your burden fall away

And all the things you once sought

Now are counted less than lost

For now you see the light of day

The signs were pointing all the way

Repeat chorus

Follow the signs

Follow the signs

Open your eyes

Look at the signs

Open your mind

Follow the signs

Repeat chorus
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