Cântăre I see You

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 147
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7947-i-see-you]I see You[/url]

Lord, You're leading me

With a cloud by day

And then in the night

The glow of a burning flame

And everywhere I go I see you

Everywhere I go I see you

And You take my hand

And You wash it clean

I know the promised land

Is light years ahead of me

And everywhere I go I see you

Everywhere I go I see you

And the eagle flies

And the rivers run

I look through the night

I can see the risin' sun

And everywhere I go I see you

Everywhere I go I see you

Well, the grass will die

And the flowers fall

But Your Word's alive

Will be after all

And everywhere I go I see you

Everywhere I go I see you
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