Cântăre Purified

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 148
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/7956-purified]Purified[/url]


Where the angels see

You are praised as You should be.

But how can I express

My yearning for Your Holiness.

May it be (that)


I will open my heart

Search me in the deepest part.

And I will stand in cleansing fire,

By You, purified,

By You I'm purified.

Verse 2

Savior of my soul

To your strength I yield control.

Purge me of my stain

Sin will lose it's mortal reign.

Make me free (and)


I will open my heart

Search me in the deepest part.

And I will stand in cleansing fire,

By You, purified,

By You I'm purified.


You are Holy

You are Holy

Yes You are Holy

You are Holy

You are Holy



I will open my heart

Search me in the deepest part.

And I will stand in cleansing fire,

By You, purified,

By You I'm purified.


You are Holy

You are Holy

Yes You are Holy

You are Holy

You are Holy

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