Cântăre Promise my prayers

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 153
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8514-promise-my-prayers]Promise my prayers[/url]

I'll cover, I'll cover you, I'll cover

Hey now you know it's true

After all that we've been through

You can count on me

When it comes down to the end

I will always be your friend

No matter where you go

I want you to know now


I promise my prayers

I promise my heart

I'll be thinking of you

Wherever you are

When the daylight is done

When the night is so dark

When I cannot be there

I promise my prayers

Down each road we take

We're joined together when we pray

No matter where life leads

I will lift you up

You'll be covered by his love

The angels will find you

I'm here to remind you now


I'll cover, I'll cover you, I'll cover

Beyond our understanding

His hand is moving and we stand amazed

I pray His love will guide you

I know He's there beside you always

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meniu prim
Nu te teme de nimic, căci Eu te izbăvesc, te chem pe nume- ești al Meu! Dacă vei trece prin ape, Eu voi fi cu tine și râurile nu te vor îneca; dacă vei merge prin foc, nu te va arde, și flacăra nu te va prinde. ( Isaia 43: 1, 2 )