Cântăre My heart is set on you

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 119
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8521-my-heart-is-set-on-you]My heart is set on you[/url]


My heart is set on You

Oh, my heart is set on You

No other love will do

Oh, my heart is set on You

I'm placing my life safely

in Your keeping

Knowing Your love is here to stay

I'm holding on to You no matter

what I'm feeling

Ever always


When I'm alone, I know You're

there beside me

Feeding me on for all my days

Wherever I go I know Your hand

will guide me

Ever always

Nothing else will do Your love is better

My heart's set on You forever and ever

Nothing else will do 'cause Your love

is better

My heart's set on You forever and ever

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