Cântăre Something so good

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 149
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8530-something-so-good]Something so good[/url]

We've got something so good

We're gonna show you

It makes me happy

Always makes me feel free

When I'm in His hands

Do you understand

Not trying to sell you

I'm only trying to tell you

That His love is for real

It's there for you to feel

There is no reason to run from the One

Who can free you oh yeah


We've got something so good

We're gonna show you

Stand in His light you'll see

It's gonna shine through

Open you heart it's real

And waiting for you

We've got something so good

All through the highs and lows

The only thing you need to know

Is that Jesus will be true

He's there to comfort you

You're not the only one

Who feels like everything you've done

Is measured in pain

Come in from the rain

There's no reason to run from the One

Who can free you oh yeah

(Repeat Chorus)

A love we can give

A love we can share

A love that is more than money can buy

I believe

That He'll

Set you free
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