Cântăre Blue skies

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 143
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8539-blue-skies]Blue skies[/url]

Verse 1

On days of gray

When doubt clouds my view

Its so hard to see past my fears

My strength seems to fade

And its all I can do

To hold on, till the light reappears.

Still, I believe though some rain's bound to fall

That you're here next to me

And you're over it all.


Lord, the sky's still blue

For my hope is in you

You're my joy, You're the dream thats still alive

Like the wind at my back

And the sun on my face

You are life,You're grace.

You are blue skies, You're my blue skies

Verse 2

When nights are long

Seems the dark has no end

Still we walk on in the light of the truth

For waiting beyond, where the morning begins

Is the dawn, and your mercy anew.

Oh, to believe we're alive in your love

There is so much to see, if we keep looking up.


You filled the heavens with hope and a higher love

A picture of promise for life.

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