Cântăre Light of the world shine down on bethlehem god in his glor

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 114
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8550-light-of-the-world-shine-down-on-bethlehem-god-in-his-glor]Light of the world shine down on bethlehem god in his glor[/url]

Kings of Earth on a course unknown

Bearing gifts from afar

Hoping, praying

Following yonder star

Silhouette of a caravan

Painted against the sky

Wise men searching

For the holy child

One king held the frankincense

One king held the myrrh

One king held the purest gold

One king held the hope the world

A star hangs over Bethlehem

A journey ends in the night

Three kings, trembling

Behold the glorious sight

Heaven's treasure Emmanuel

Drawing men to bow down

Tiny baby born to wear a crown

One king held the frankincense

One king held the myrrh

One king held the purest gold

One king held the hope of the world
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meniu prim
Dar eu către Tine îmi înalț rugăciunea, Doamne, la vremea potrivită. În bunătatea Ta cea mare, răspunde-mi, Dumnezeule, și dă-mi ajutorul Tău! ( Psalmii 69:13 )