Cântăre Light of the world

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 128
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8552-light-of-the-world]Light of the world[/url]

Light of the world

Shine down on Bethlehem

God in His glory has sent us a Son

Shout from on high

And out in the street

Jesus our Savior is born!

Bright shining star

Shine down on everyone

God in His mercy has sent us a Son

The shepherds will cry

Praise to the Lord!

Jesus our Savior is born!

Alleluia baby Jesus

Alleluia baby Jesus

Jesus our Savior is born

Sing Alleluia

Light of the world

Shine down on Bethlehem

God in His glory has sent us a Son

Shout from on high

And out in the street

Jesus our Savior is born!

Alleluia baby Jesus

Alleluia baby Jesus

Jesus our Savior is born

Sing Alleluia
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