Cântăre Amazing

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 142
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8574-amazing]Amazing[/url]

Consider your needs of the past

When somebody helped but you never asked

Now think of the joy you received

When you reached out to someone else in need


Cause some days we laugh

Some days we cry

Some days we hold it deep inside

Though each day is a gift from on high


But what I find


The love we give the love we gain


There's so much more that's in Jesus name

Sometimes it's hard to see

That it's more blessed to give than receive

Learning from different mistakes

Learning to give instead of just take

But when we all start to blend

We'll be like colors surrounding the sun as it sets

(Repeat Pre-Chorus)





Sometimes it's hard to see

That it's more blessed to give than receive

Consider your needs of the past

When somebody helped but you never asked

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