Cântăre God forbid

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 159
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8582-god-forbid]God forbid[/url]

The more I know your

power, Lord / The more I'm mindful

/ How casually we speak and sing your

name / How often we have come to You / With

no fear or wonder / And called upon You only for

what we stand to gain / Chorus / God forbid, that I

find You so familiar / That I think of You as less than

who You are / God forbid, that I should speak of You at

all / Without a humble reverence in my heart / God for-

bid / Lord, I often talk about Your love and mercy / How

it seems to me Your goodness has no end / It frightens

me to think that I could take You for granted / Though

You're closer than a brother / You're more than just

my friend / Chorus / You are Father, God Almighty /

Lord of Lords, You're King of Kings / Beyond my

understanding / No less than everything /

Chorus / God forbid / God forbid
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Dacă ești înțelept, pentru tine ești înțelept; dacă ești batjocoritor, tu singur vei suferi. ( Proverbele 9:12 )