Cântăre Jesus doesnt care

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 137
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8593-jesus-doesnt-care]Jesus doesnt care[/url]

You told me no one would love you

If they could see deep inside

You say your friends might desert you

If they knew the truth you hide

But there's one that knows you better than you know yourself

And He still loves you more than anybody else


Jesus doesn't care what you've done before

How you've rebelled or slammed the door

No matter how far you've run or how long you've been untrue

Jesus doesn't care he still offers forgivness to you

For so long you've run from the Father

Into a life of sin

And each time He lovingly called you

You turned your back on Him

But no matter if your failures are great or small

There's no way to hide them He already knows them all


Jesus doesn't care what you've done before

How you've rebelled or slammed the door

No matter how far you've run or how long you've been untrue

Jesus doesn't care He still offers forgiveness to you

How many tears will you cry, until you cry out to the Father

So many tears

An honest plea for mercy He will not deny

Trust him and your gonna find

Jesus doesn't care what you've done before

How you've rebelled or slammed the door

No matter how far you run or how long you've been untrue

Jesus doesn't care (no Jesus doesn't care) Jesus doesn't care

He still offers forgiveness to you
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Binecuvântat să fie Dumnezeu, Tatăl Domnului nostru Isus Hristos, care, după îndurarea Sa cea mare, ne-a născut din nou prin învierea lui Isus Hristos din morți, la o nădejde vie. ( 1 Petru 1:3 )