Cântăre Its like me

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 200
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8685-its-like-me]Its like me[/url]

My conversation is leading nowhere

And we talk of God but still I don't share

So many times that I just never saw the chance

It's like me to never see

When it came, when it went

Now it's gone away

It's so like me to never see

When it came, when it went

Now it's gone away

The phone rings with news that he's gone

Just the time I shared my heart was prepared and another soul was won

So much truth to tell, I am so glad I saw the chance

It's like me to never see

When it came, when it went

Now it's gone away

It's so like me to never see

When it came, when it went

Now it's gone away

Sometimes I still never see when perfect opportunities come my way

Would my care increase if I truly believed that a life could be saved

It's like me to never see

When it came, when it went

Now it's gone away

It's so like me to never see

When it came, when it went

Now it's gone away
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