Cântăre This day

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 226
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8700-this-day]This day[/url]

This day is fragile

Soon it will end

And once it has vanished

It will not come again

So let us love

With a love pure and strong

Before this day is gone

This day is fleeting

When it slips away

Not all our money

Can buy back this day

So let us pray

That we might be a friend

Before this day is spent

This day we're given is golden

Let us show love

This day is ours for one moment

Let us sow love

This day is frail

It will pass by

So before it's too late

To recapture the time

Let us share love

Let us share God

Before this day is gone

Before this day is gone
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Mărturisiți-vă unii altora păcatele, și rugați-vă unii pentru alții, ca să fiți vindecați. Mare putere are rugăciunea fierbinte a celui neprihănit. ( Iacov 5:16 )