Cântăre Living the legacy

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 176
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8707-living-the-legacy]Living the legacy[/url]

My father knew it

And his before him

And it goes way back down the line

They had a vision

A prayer for the future

For what I would believe in time

Now I'm not perfect

Life's not easy

But I wouldn't take the world for what they gave me


I'm living the legacy

Walking the path that the faithful have laid down

I'm living the legacy

Finding the hope that my fathers found

I'm standing tall when I'm on my knees

I'm living the legacy

Something in common

Deep inside me

With those before me who are gone

Give me the vision

Fills me with a passion

To make the message carry on

Now I'm not perfect

Life's not easy

But for the future's sake I'm gonna do the best I can

(Repeat Chorus 3 X)
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meniu prim
Eu sunt sărac și lipsit: grăbește să-mi ajuți, Dumnezeule! Tu ești ajutorul şi Izbăvitorul meu: Doamne, nu zăbovi! ( Psalmii 70:5 )