Cântăre One more broken heart

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 177
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8709-one-more-broken-heart]One more broken heart[/url]

I see people merely existing

I see vacant eyes full of pain

Lives broken and abused

Hiding hearts scarred and stained


As long as theres one more broken heart

One more crying soul, I'll go

And I will love them, Jesus

As long as theres one more needing you

One more I can show your love

As long as theres one more broken heart

Could it be that I could make a difference

If I care the way You care for me?

When they look into my eyes

Let it be Your eyes they see


Let me show them that You love them

Won't you help me bring them in?

Lord, I promise you again...


One more broken heart

One more broken heart

One more broken heart
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meniu prim
Ca niște buni ispravnici ai harului felurit al lui Dumnezeu, fiecare din voi să slujească altora după darul pe care l-a primit. ( 1 Petru 4:10 )