Cântăre Treasure

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 174
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8744-treasure]Treasure[/url]

Taken up out of the world

Shaken up with just a word

Turned around so suddenly

I'm alive eternally

Something invisible

Has become so beautiful

I know I am born again

Laughing and stumbling

Draw me after You - let me run with You

Show me all Your

Kingdom come

My heart is where my treasure lies

My great reward is in Your eyes

My every breath belongs to You

You are my treasure

Take the world up out of me

Put the fruit back on the tree

I give everything to be

What only You want me to be

The treasure that You've become

Is shining brighter than the sun

Feels like I am born again

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