Cântăre Hand on my heart

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 182
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8751-hand-on-my-heart]Hand on my heart[/url]

Got Your hand on my heart and

I won't walk away

Got a hold of my life and I'm here to stay

Got Your hand on my heart

I remember when You first touched my heart

And the seed of life within began its start

Now I've finally found security

Now I finally see I'm Yours eternally

You've got Your hand on me


Got Your hand on my heart and

I won't walk away

Got a hold of my life and

I'm here to stay

Got Your hand on my heart

And now I know

That You won't let me go

You're never gonna let me go

I don't want to lose another day

Feeling You're a million miles away

I just want to know without a doubt

I will always feel Your loving hand is reaching out

I feel Your touch every night, every day

With Your hand on my pulse

I won't easily stray

But if I ever do, a gentle tug will pull me through

I just have to let You know

That I love You so
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