Cântăre Ready, willing, and able

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 186
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8752-ready-willing-and-able]Ready, willing, and able[/url]

Enough of the sidelines, gotta get in the game

When nothing is ventured, nothing is gained

He's callin' the numbers play by play

We're either out or we're in all the way

Get in the action whatever the cost

Nothing can equal the worth of the lost

Shoulder to shoulder, hand to the plow

Today is the day and the right time is now

And the field is ready for the new reserve

We will bring the harvest with a will to serve


Ready, willing and able

To advance the light and defend the right

Ready, willing and able

Lifting up the cross to the waiting lost

Ready to serve and willing to go

Able to stand against the foe

Ready, willing and able

Instant in season drop of a hat

Bases are loaded, it's our turn at bat

Pressure is mounting, the tension is hot

Heaven is watching to see what we've got

There is strength in numbers

There is hope in One

We are called and chosen to proclaim His Son

He's already given us all that we need

With love in our message and hope in our creed

When Yahweh is for us and faith is our stay

No power below us can stand in our way
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meniu prim
Mai bine o bucată de pâine uscată, cu pace, decât o casă plină de cărnuri, cu ceartă! ( Proverbele 17:1 )