Cântăre Underneath the blood

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 190
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8759-underneath-the-blood]Underneath the blood[/url]

I was just a young man

With a burning fuse

Headed in the wrong way

'Til I heard the news

'Bout a substitution

Blood shed for me

'Bout a grace so amazing it can make a man free

Now I'm rescued, pulled from the mud

It's all behind me, under the blood

Underneath the blood

Through the cleansing flood

Guilt is left behind

Never brought to mind

I'm an innocent man

Underneath the blood

Now a little older

I recall the past

Farther from me

Than east is from west

But in all the wisdom

That my growing brings

I can't seem to put down all my childish things

Where do I go when

I've missed the mark

And my heart starts feeling like it's stained and dark

Only know one way to go

I take it to the crimson flood

Underneath the blood

Through the cleansing flood

Guilt is left behind

Never brought to mind

Underneath the blood

Pulled up from the mud

Feet on solid ground

What was lost is found

I'm an innocent man

Underneath the blood

I'm an innocent man

Underneath the blood

Underneath the blood

Through the cleansing flood

Guilt is left behind

Never brought to mind

Underneat the blood

Pulled up from the mud

Feet on solid ground

What was lost is found

I'm an innocent man
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