Cântăre Strong convictions

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 161
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8762-strong-convictions]Strong convictions[/url]

Western world where the strong survive

And the meek will inherit the dregs

Living now in the twilight time

Will the world hear the answer it begs

Secular and sacred blur

Without even raising a flag

When so many masters call

Is it the tail or the dog that will wag?

With some among us weak at the knees

And many others who do as they please

There still remains a witness

The few who will stand and say


I've got strong convictions 'bout the way that I live

I've got no concessions that I'm willing ot give

Strong convictions that are worth living by

Strong convictions 'till the day I die

It's so hard seeing black and white

When so much appears to be gray

WIth no faith in the absolute

It's no wonder the standard will stray

With bold convictions leading the way

With those who have them willing to say

There is a new horizon

I can say as for me and mine

Pressure makes the perfect diamond

Measure of the saints refining

Don't ever want to stray

I really want to stay

Steadfast and immovable in Him
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Mai bine o bucată de pâine uscată, cu pace, decât o casă plină de cărnuri, cu ceartă! ( Proverbele 17:1 )