Cântăre Midnight oil

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 195
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8764-midnight-oil]Midnight oil[/url]

We wait since the day He ascended

He said He would come again

Some think it will be such a long time

Some they the know just when

We live like there's no tomorrow

We wait with out lamps of oil

We watch for the midnight hour

The day we cease our toil

When the trumpet sounds and the bridegroom comes


The wedding's gonna be so royal

So we gotta keep staying loyal

'Cause our feet are gonna leave this soil

When we burn the midnight oil

When we burn the midnight oil

Some wait from the top of the mountain

Away from the world below

Some work while there's still a harvest

No rest when there's seed to sow

We go out to wait for the bridegroom

Some bring oil of readiness

Some lamps will be burned out waiting

Left out in their emptiness

Will our lamps be full at parousia?

When the bridegroom comes we will hear the call
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Preţul măreţiei este responsabilitatea. (Sir Winston Churchill)