Cântăre All i want is you

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 188
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8775-all-i-want-is-you]All i want is you[/url]

I’ve waited all my life to be here face to face.

I never knew that I could feel this kind of grace.

The way You show me that Your blood has washed me clean,

Could never be erased; it lives inside of me.

Take me to that secret place,

Where I can only see Your Face,

And nothing else will ever feel this way.

You take away my guilty stains,

The things I’ve done that I can’t change,

It’s only by the Power of Your name.

I stand here in this place,

See the Glory on Your Face,

Taken by the wonder of Your name.

I’m desperate for Your touch,

Never needed it so much,

Cause all I want is You.

When all the things around me have fallen to the ground

I’m always thankful for the love in You I’ve found.
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