Cântăre How i love you

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 198
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8776-how-i-love-you]How i love you[/url]

here i stand

before you my heart is still

wanting just to be with you

waiting here

long for your voice to speak

touch me now

its your face i seek

how my soul longs for you

to be with you

adore you

nothing more i want to do

than to sing to you

jesus im in love with you

speak to me

whisper you words of truth

take my heart

won't you make me new

jesus, how i love you

how i love you

on my knees

before you i lay my life

giving all

a living sacrifice

take my life

and all that i long to be

set apart

only for you my king

how my soul longs for you

to be with you

adore you

nothing more i want to do

than to sing to you

jesus im in love with you

speak to me

whisper your words of truth

take my heart

won't you make me new

jesus, how i love you

how i love you

how my soul longs for you

how my soul longs for you

how my soul longs for you

how my soul longs for you
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