Cântăre You take me higher

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 209
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8788-you-take-me-higher]You take me higher[/url]

I remember the first time

'Til I see beyond the storm

Surrounding me with Your love

I turn to find You near

You take me higher

You lift my head to open skies

Your fire burns within my soul

Abandoned to Your call

Your love reached deep

Into my world

You read me

Like an open book

You took all the pieces

And made my life complete

In You

I soar on the heights

Of Your love

Dive the depths of Your grace

You take me higher

'Til I see beyond the storm

Surrounding me with Your love

I turn to find You near

You take me higher

You lift my head to open skies

Your fire burns within my soul

Abandoned to Your call

I take the hand of One

Who knows me

From the inside out

He guides me through

The streets of life

He take me through

Open doors

They open onto fields of white

He tells me to see

And perceive

And to hear their cry

You take me higher

'Til I see beyond the storm

Surrounding me with Your love

I turn to find You near

You take me higher

You lift my head to open skies

Your fire burns within my soul

Abandoned to Your call

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meniu prim
Fiți treji, și vegheați! Pentru că potrivnicul vostru, diavolul, dă târcoale ca un leu care răgnește, și caută pe cine să înghită. ( 1 Petru 5:8 )