Cântăre Seeking you

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 187
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8789-seeking-you]Seeking you[/url]

It's You I can't escape

Your love has me surrounded

In every way

So I surrender now

And raise my hands

All I want is You (All I want is You)

You have carried me

Through many storms

And many raging seas

You rescue me

In my hour of need

And all I want is You (All I want is You)


I'm coming to You

For the love that I need

I'm desperate for Your touch

I'm seeking You

I'm seeking You

You're always by my side

My closest friend

In You I can rely

You're with me

Every moment of my life

All I want is You (All I want is You)

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Tot pământul să se teamă de Domnul! Toți locuitorii lumii să tremure înaintea Lui! ( Psalmii 33:8 )