Cântăre Hear our praises

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 196
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8794-hear-our-praises]Hear our praises[/url]

"may our homes be filled with dancing

may our streets be filled with joy.

may injustice bow to Jesus

as the people turn to pray.

from the mountains to the valleys

hear our praises rise to You,

from the heavens to the nations

hear our singing fill the air.

may Your light shine in the darkness

as we walk before the cross

may Your glory fill the whole earth

as the water o'er seas.

from the mountains to the valleys

hear our praises rise to You,

from the heavens to the nations

hear our singing fill the air.





from the mountains to the valleys

hear our praises rise to You,

from the heavens to the nations

hear our singing fill the air."
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Lăudați pe Domnul! Căci este frumos să lăudăm pe Dumnezeul nostru, căci este plăcut, și se cuvine să-L lăudăm. ( Psalmii 147:1 )