Cântăre People just like us

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 181
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8815-people-just-like-us]People just like us[/url]

Every nation power and tongue

will bow down to your name

Every eye will see

Every ear will hear your name proclaimed

And this is gonna be our cry

until you come again

Jesus is the only name

By which man can be saved


All over the world people just like us

Are calling your name

Living in your love

All over the world people just like us

Are following Jesus


(repeat from top)

We're worshipping Jesus

We're following Jesus

We're worshipping Jesus

We're calling on Jesus

Makes you wanna dance (echo)

Makes you wanna sing (echo)

Makes you wanna shout all about it

shout all about it,

shout it that Jesus is king


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